day 6: fourth day in los angeles
i woke up this morning. it was very relaxed morning. everyone seemed to wake up at the same time. we all talked and then i said goodbye to everyone because i would be leaving that afternoon. i was sad to say goodbye to the dog because she was beautiful and always wanted to fight me, which i gladly accepted. everyone left and the cleaning lady came and we tried to get out of her way. that day we would be shooting some things for dublab. one guy from dublab came and picked us up and took us the natural history museum. we would be shooting in the diamond and gem vault. it took some time to set up and i tried to be professional but got bored quickly. i also had a very anti-shoe urge then so i walked around the museum shoeless looking at all these amazing diagrams. during a break two girls came up to me and asked if i wanted to be in a photoshoot. apparently the museum does these concerts in one particular hall and they need to take pictures for some promotional brochure or something. i agreed and we went into this hall with a giant serengeti diagram. absolutely spectacular. there was a DJ who looked bored. i think he was embarrassed that they had to bring people into listen to him and then make them dance for the picture. i made good conversation with these girls. i was very proud. i wasn't sure if i would be needed so i went back to our shoot and decided to stay because i didn't feel like dancing for a bored DJ. i walked past later and saw like 5 kids dancing goofy-like and was very glad that i didn't stay. we did a few more shooting and i was very tired and stressed just from being in giant city with cars and smog and palm trees, that was bizarre: palm trees in a metropolis. weird. i was way tired and i think maybe i was feeling sad for having to be alone on a train for a long time. we finished the shoot and then the guy who gave us a ride, took us to the train station. i said goodbye to danielle. i went inside and sat for an hour or so listening to music on my computer. finally it was my turn to board and i went on the train and felt sadder and sadder. it was the first time i was alone, alone for a long time. i sat in my chair and then went to go write in the lounge car. i don't remember anything else but just being super lonely and tired and exhausted and sleepy. i went back to my seat and fell asleep but woke up during the night because the seats were uncomfortable.
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