the Suitcase

Potluck Tour Across America! My writings and frustrations concerning the three stages of the tour: 1)Formulation 2)Travelogue 3)Aftermath CURRENT STAGE: Formulation

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Location: Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

Monday, July 23, 2007

Review Amarillo and Denton show

I'm in Amarillo at the moment, sitting at my host Tommy's house.

I played last night in an abandoned courtyard downtown with grass coming up between the bricks of the floor and vines growing on the dilapidated walls. It was a gorgeous night and you could see the stars perfectly.

It turns out that Amarillo's downtown is actually rather dead. Walking through it gives this eerie sense that you're in a zombie film because there a buildings everywhere and there's a healthy mix of modern and classic architecture but nobody's there. My host and a bunch of his friends are actually developers and are really passionate are renovating the downtown district. It was inspiring to listen to them talk about it.

I'll be leaving in a bit and headed to Albuquerque where I'm staying with a married couple. The show isn't until Wednesday so I thought I might hang out for a few days. Maybe sleep in the park or relax at a coffeehouse. I really don't know.

I drove the six hours from Denton to Amarillo yesterday. It was nice to have some quiet to meditate and think about things. I took a polaroid of the rolling plains. The ground is starting to become desert; little patches of red dirt stick out on the grass. I love the desert so much. I really can't wait. I hope it rains while I'm there.

I left my phone charger in Denton. My friend Dina is going to mail it. I want to make sure I get it so I'm gonna send it to Denver. I'll be there on Thursday. That should be enough, right? I hope so. I also hope that I'll meet someone with my same kind of charger.

I really liked the Denton show. It was a vegan potluck and everything, everything was vegan including some candy. We played and just had a lot of fun. The 715 Panhandle people were so nice! They just love each other and have fun and hang out. It's like a big family. I would love to live in Denton solely for the community of it all.

What else? I don't know what else.
I'm hungry. I think I'll treat myself to waffles.


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